Prodoceo |
Prodoceo facts | |
Prodoceo provides a comprehensive set of services. We offer accounting and payroll services together with accounting, tax and financial advice, to enable efficient management of your business. We register companies in Polish court and tax office and take responsibility of your accounting and tax.
| We have been present on the Polish market since 2009. During that time our clients recorded 450 million PLN of the revenue, and we have applied for 28 million PLN of VAT refund. We have booked 32 992 documents, and registered 367 client's emplyees for Social Fund. In 2010, we have been registered as a certified auditors' firm under the number 3589. |
"We have received over 5 million PLN VAT refund without any problems. The range of services from the very beginning was adapted to our needs. " |
"They are with us through all stages of our development. The change of the legal form of LLC the joint-stock company was smooth and easy, because we had the full support of accounting. " |
"We provide our services to multinational corporations. Outsourced CFO has been absolutely a great value for us. Prodoceo has supported us in meetings and during difficult negotiations with customers." |