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Prodoceo Katarzyna Kowalczyk, FA3911


Small business taxpayer in 2014

A small taxpayer is a company which, due to its size, is entitled to dedicated tax credits, such as:

-          quarterly VAT payments,

-          quarterly CIT and PIT payments

-           one-off depreciation of fixed assets, non-tangible and legal assets amounting to PLN 211 000 (the equivalent of € 50 000). It’s not possible to deduct the entire cost of purchasing a passenger car.

From the beginning of 2014, a small business taxpayer is defined as a company whose gross income in 2013 did not exceed PLN 5 068 000.

In order to gain the right to the quarterly PIT and CIT payments, you have to notify the Tax Office (Urząd Skarbowy) till 20th January 2014.